Forty minutes at lunchtime to get some butterflying in - my target the Silver-washed Fritillary that had sped past me on Friday. First port of call was the buddleias by Gallagher's Underpass on the NE edge of Oaken Wood, Barming - a blind
Hedgehog made a sad sight (sorry no pun intended!) and a single
Red Admiral and a couple of
Peacocks didn't make me feel like it was going to be a lucky day. Good numbers of
Migrant Hawkers were on the wing, with four individuals draped on one Chesnut tree.
I decided to take a different route from normal and took the 'north' track/road that, predictably, leads along the northern edge of the wood. I dipped into a clearing just SE of the woodcutter's yard and saw a butterfly drenched buddleia that was asking to be checked. More Peacocks, a couple of
Commas, Speckled Wood and a masses of Gatekeepers and Meadow Browns. Then the
Silver-washed Fritillary appeared, absolutely bombing it along the woodland edge, straight past the buddleia and then up and over the 40ft Chesnuts! I watched him until he disappeared, but caught sight of a speck flitting around one of the oaks that I check every year for Purple Hairstreaks.
Yep, that was what it was -a
Purple Hairstreak, at last! How could I have missed them for so long? As I got nearer I started to see more, including a couple nectaring at ground level. A new, long-awaited addition to the patch.
Moving on, I checked where I'd seen the SW Frit on Friday, and he was still there! Mobile as ever, only briefly touching down on a Buddleia to tussle with a nectaring Peacock and a very worn
White Admiral.
Another White Admiral was seen near Gallagher's underpass on my way back to work, and a pair of Jays flushed a small group of Bullfinches from one of the coppiced hedges.
Kate - great to hear from you and thanks to Peter to confirming ID! How's the weather in Washington State?!