Monday, 31 October 2011

Monday 31st October 2011

A quick visit to Sheppey (Swale NNR) resulted in distant views of both male and female Hen Harrier, juvenile Rough-legged Buzzard, also giving distant but prolonged views (including lots of hovering) and a distant view of a Great White Egret flying W around 10:45.  Also a Sparrowhawk and up to 5x Kestrels.

A quick sortie along the Harty Ferry Road/Capel Fleet failed to relocate the GW Egret but added Marsh Harrier and Common Buzzard to the list.

Usual top quality photography.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Monday 17th October 2011

Too, too busy to have posted lately - but a quick review.  Early October delivered a couple of Hummingbird Hawkmoths to my garden, but the heatwave seems a long, long time ago.  Yesterday (16th Oct) saw me at Cliffe taking in excellent views of the Isabelline Shrike - what a cracker!

Today started off still and sunny, but by midday the wind had picked up from the west, bringing cloud with it.  A quick sortie to the Paris Farm Paddocks turned up my first, but distant  Fieldfare of the year, hopping through the turf with 7x Mistle Thrushes.  12x Meadow Pipits and 25+ Goldfinches were also present.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Saturday 1st October 2011

Phew, what a scorcher!  Birding was put on hold as I spent the whole day basking on a beach...along with what seemed the rest of Kent!

Friday 30th September 2011

Another misty morning in the valley, clearing to a hot, hot day with East Malling recording the most hours of sunshine in the country (11.1 hours).

Not much birdwise: 5x Meadow Pipits on the Sweets Lane Paddocks, and another couple on Paris Farm.  Good numbers of Rooks and Jackdaws close to Gallagher's Gallop, both species once quite a rarity on patch.  The spiders made the greatest impact - they seem to be spinning webs just about everywhere.