I managed to catch up with a Wryneck at the bottom of the Naquidno Valley and found a second about 2 miles further on near Cot Valley (as I walked the coast path looking for Basking Sharks!) and managed a poor record shot.
Wryneck nr Cot Valley Sat 15th Sept
Ravens and Choughs were much in evidence with both seen between Sennen Cove and Lands End, Nanquidno and Porthgwarra. Peregrines also appeared everywhere including over St. Ives Harbour! The wind picked up in the 2nd week and with came some interesting seawatching. Tuesday 18th produced 1x Balearic Shearwater, 1x Arctic Skua and 200+ Manx Shearwater in an hour.
A morning visit to Porthgwarra on Thursday 20th Sept turned up 3x Cory's Shearwaters (although very distant at 2-2.5km), 10x Sooty Shearwaters, 6x Balearic Shearwaters, 2x Manx Shearwaters(very low number!), 3x Storm Petrels, 8x Great Skuas, 2x Arctic Skuas and pairs of Raven, Chough and Peregrine.
Butterflies were few and far between compared to last year. No Clouded Yellows or Hummingbird Hawkmoths, but singles of Small Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral on most headlands.Porthcurno. Note the large shadow in the water, a rock rather than Basking Shark, unfortunately!
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