Monday, 17 December 2007

Monday 17th December

2x Grey Herons were seen in statuesque poses in the field between the A26 and St Margarets church, Barming as I drove in this morning - it seems to be a regular haunt for them on frosty mornings. The sun disappeared by mid-morning as a strong, easterly-breeze picked up. Numbers of Redwing, Fieldfare and Chaffinches seemed to have increased since last week and so I went off in search of Brambling. The cold got the better of me after only 20 minutes, so I called it quits....but I'm convinced there's a Brambling out there to be found! Interestingly not may of the Fieldfares seemed to be feeding on the windfall apples as they usually do - most remaining perched, and exposed to the strong breeze, on the telegraph wires, taking the place of the summer Swallows.


Warren Baker said...

Adam, you'll never find a Brambling if you don't get a bigger coat!!

Simon said...

Looks like you've found a Grey Heron's 'standing ground'. I am always surprised that Grey Herons will often stand motionless in the middle of a field rather than perching in a tree, or another high perch.

Kingsdowner said...

Remarkable photo of fieldfares!