Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Wednesday 25th June

Making the most of the good weather I ventured into work by foot again today. A Great Black-backed Gull loafed north over North Street, Barming looking more like a Heron than a Gull as it disappeared into the distance. A Goldcrest and Chiffchaff both called from the trees by the allotments on the eastern edge of Oaken Wood. As I approached the water tower I could see a Common Whitethroat singing from the hedgerow by the start of the bridleway down to Ditton, and as I watched it fly off towards the Pea Field I picked out a small bird grubbing away at a hole in one of the concrete fence posts...a Marsh Tit! Not the rarest of birds I know, but my first for Barming. It flitted off as I approached not to be seen again! A Garden Warbler again annouced it's prescence by Gallagher's Gallop, and the Little Owls seen on Monday in Kiln Barn Farm barn were now three, 1x adult and 2x young. Skylarks exalted the good weather and a distant Cuckoo called from the orchards by Sweets Lane.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Hi Adam - well done with the Marsh Tit! always gratifying to get a local 'tick'