In between pollinating we took the kids to Knole Park, Sevenoaks and I was hoping for some birds while we wondered around, but very little showed. I spent most my time loitering aroun dead trees while the kids climbed them - some fanatastic patterns on those that had lost their bark.
Before returning to work in the afternoon I dropped by Ditton Quarry on the off chance of Redpolls. After 10 minutes I located one...then two...then five Lesser Redpolls working through the Alders in the SW corner. Then unexpectedly a Mealy Redpoll joined them giving brief, but excellent, views for a minute or so before the whole flock suddenly took to the air for no apparent reason. I suddenly remebered I'd got work to do (!) so left without trying to relocate the flock.
I was in the quarry on saturday afternoon briefly and saw a Hawfinch at the top of a short tree which showed its short tail well when it flew of after being disturbed some children walking through.
Hi Geoff - that's fantastic!!! Saw two last October and singles were picked up by two others over the following week or so. I'd be really interested to hear more if you want to mail me:
Hi Adam
I was walking Oaken Woods way at the weekend. I'm no bird expert (though interested), but do look out for wild flowers (they're much easier to photograph for a start!). I was interested to hear there are bee orchids around the research station, are any somewhere where the public could see them?
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