Thursday 13 December 2012

Wednesday 12th December 2012

Wow - what a cracking morning, a real winter wonderland.  Bitterly cold as I cycled into work just as the sun was rising.  Thirty-one Waxwings were quickly found feeding on the guelder rose berries near the 'concept pear orchard' sign on the EM Research site.  However they quickly took flight when a Blackbird screamed out an alarm call.  Three birds returned momentarily, but moved on after only a couple of minutes feeding.  It was good to see a good number of birders on site, but I heard that only Greenie and Phil Sharp had connected with any of the birds, and that was only a total of eight birds mid-morning (good to catch up with you guys again!).

I waited until it felt like my fingers would drop off for a Waxwing (or even a Fieldfare or Redwing) to come and feed on this lone apple - what a cracking picture it could have been!

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