Saturday, 20 December 2014

Saturday 20th December 2014

One of those mornings you dream of, no expectations of anything out of the ordinary and BANG a cracking bird, Great Grey Shrike turns up on patch!  I was walking the dog on part of the patch that I've kinda neglected for a the past couple of months, and to be honest only ventured there on the hope of a Yellowhammer.  However I noticed in the corner of my eye fly into a hawthorn/wild rose bush and knew straight away what it was.  The grey but bright plumage stuck out like a sore thumb and lifting up my bins I could see the bird had it's back to me, but it glanced side ways and I had a clear view of it's lovely black mask.  It lingered for probably a minute or so but looping low off to the west and behind a line of trees and out view, reminiscent in flight to a small grey magpie - longish tailed!  To cut a long story short I spent another 40 minutes fruitlessly trying to relocate it.  Hopefully it'll stick around, habitat looks good for it.  I managed to tot up 23 species including Buzzard and a good-sized flock of Medaow Pipits.  No Hawfinches yet, but a nice flock of Greenfinches are now regularly visiting the South Street playing fields so hopefully with a bit of patience......


Greenie said...

Adam ,
That's what I call an early Christmas present .
Nice one .

Warren Baker said...

Hope its coming my way Adam!

Graham Nichols said...

Heres hoping it hangs around - went down and saw the bird at Chilham, but would be nice to have one closer to homegRAHAM

Graham Nichols said...

Heres hoping it hangs around - went down and saw the bird at Chilham, but would be nice to have one closer to home

Steve said...

Wow! Excellent local find Adam. Nice one.